0's and 1's

“Granddaddy, I'm doing good in school,” the child, who still had work to do in English, said in the car to school.  “I’ve learned my multiplication table. I already know my 0’s and 1’s!” Trying not to laugh, the grandfather offered encouragement and later made an appointment to speak with his grandson’s math teacher.

The story, however, has entertained me since first hearing it. Although not gifted in math, even I know my 0’s and 1’s. Still, the boy’s pride was genuine, and it has since made me think about all the ways I am falsely optimistic.

When I succeed in creating a good painting, I sometimes think “I have it!” only to encounter someone who has spent her life painting, or see one of her works, and realize just how little I know.

When I read something by a noted theologian that I understand thoroughly, I marvel at how wise I have become, only to have a sunrise remind me how little I know about this world and the one who created it.

When my children and I click and I begin to line up for the father-of-the-year award, I am brought back to my knees when I say something belittling or demeaning.

When I win every game of family tennis and strut back to my car, only to watch people my age playing peers at a level beyond any I have known.

Yes, the 0’s and 1’s are good to know, but we cannot stop there. It is not a reason to feel badly about ourselves, just hungry to keep going. There are many more numbers and enormous joy waiting for when we master them as well.