2024: A Year to Write About.
/It had been a particularly hard year for her, the kind where on some days putting one foot in front of the other was a heroic accomplishment. She made it, and yet she felt out of breath as she put the Christmas decorations away. Slowly, her thoughts went from the year ending to the one about to begin, and she came up with a wonderful idea I want to pass along to you.
She decided to write herself a letter and place it in the box with the Christmas tree ornaments, a letter with all her hopes and dreams for the year ahead. Next year when she opens the box, she’ll have a “conversation” with her younger self and see what hopes and dreams came true. My guess is there will be some accomplishments as well as some disappointments, some predictable things as well as some surprises.
Although my year has not been as hard as hers, the idea of writing such a letter and putting it away until next December is intriguing. Not only does it demand intentional thought about the year ahead, it also allows me to see all that God does in my life in a year.
Unlike the woman who told me about her spiritual idea, I don’t have as many years ahead as I do behind. Time has become more precious, doing things that matter has become increasingly important. Looking ahead and dreaming is a wonderful way to spend my first day of the year. Then, I need to fold up the letter and get on with the year ahead. There will never be another year like it, nor will I ever be as young and able as I am right now.
Time to get writing. Then, time to get living.
Happy New Year!