A heck of a sermon.

He gave a heck of a sermon.

Like many 8th graders before him, he accepted the invitation (or challenge) to deliver a sermon before graduating. After weeks of thought and composing, the moment came for him to climb the stairs into the pulpit and express a theological thought. It’s a notable accomplishment for anyone, let alone one so young, but the fact that a year ago he suffered from an anxiety disorder that paralyzed him with fear made the achievement beyond comprehension.

Who knows from where such anxiety comes, but the tears and begging not to have to go into a chapel, where he might be called up or recognized in some way, was as undeniable and it was unexplainable. His parents and teachers worked to give him the space and understanding needed. Some days it provided the relief needed; other days, it didn’t.

As he turned the corner into his senior year, his parents quietly wondered whether he would ever be able to give a sermon like so many of his classmates. Much to their delight, he announced his intention to do so and the date, which seemed ages away when it was first assigned, suddenly arrived.

Parents and teachers alike wondered if he would go through with it when the time came. Sleeping better than his parents the night before, he made it to the chapel for last minute preparations. After the opening hymn, lesson, and introduction by the Headmaster, he climbed the stairs into the pulpit.

He gave a heck of a sermon, but I have no idea what he said.