Adjusting the radio knobs.

When I drove across the country with a friend, radios had knobs. One was for volume, the other for sliding the little red line across the front like an Etch A Sketch in search for a strong signal and perfect song. I remember finding just the song we were looking for, sitting back, and enjoying the music while looking at the incredible landscape passing by. All was right with the world.

It wasn’t long before the first bit of static was heard, then more, and eventually I had to reach up and adjust the knob so we could hear the song clearly. Again, static arrived and more adjustments. Eventually, we had to try to find another station.

“We should just park the car and listen,” my friend suggested in frustration.

“Or we could just wait out the static and see if the song returns,” I replied.

The experience is similar to my life of faith. I have been blessed to travel a dramatic and wonderful road, and along the way I have found good and strong signals, ones that make me sit back, look around, and give thanks.

Like the trip that summer, my journey also has had lots of static. It starts slowly and then cannot be ignored. I have learned to adjust the knobs to stay connected to the signal, but I have also had to change stations.

Like we were, I’ve been tempted to park the car and stay where the signal is strong, but that would mean ceasing to travel. I have also been stubborn and tried to wait the static out.

Adjusting the knobs and changing the stations is part of the spiritual journey. The point is to find a signal and keeping it clear. As we travel, we may need to adjust the knobs to get rid of static. We may even need to change stations. (Contrary to some churches, the signal can be found on more than one station.)

But the signal is there.

It just needs to be found.

It doesn’t move, we do.

May we find it and adjust the knobs to remove the static as we travel to our ultimate destination.