Artist Way Announcement

Forgive me, please, for using the Brushstroke subscriber list to make an announcement, but I want to reach those who live in Greensboro and might be interested in joining a creative/spiritual think-tank called The Artist’s Way.

A small group is forming to read and participate in the twelve-week creativity course designed by Julia Cameron. We will meet on Mondays at 4 in my studio and work our way through the amazing course that is sure to awaken parts of us that have fallen asleep or we didn’t know existed..

It will demand reading a chapter a week, attending most of the weekly meetings, writing by hand each day, and other activities designed to awaken us spiritually and creatively. It will last for twelve weeks.

If you are interested, please call, text, or email me asap 336-337-3442 or We have room for three more and want to begin soon.