Digging Tunnels

Sitting in the room with others recently, I was reminded of one of my favorite childhood summer activities. After swimming in the ocean for hours, we were pulled from the sea and told we need to take a break. Rather than just sit around, we would play in the sand. One of my favorite activities was digging tunnels. My cousin would start at one end, me at the other, and slowly, one handful at a time, we would begin digging. His arms were longer than mine, but, still, we dug toward each other. Eventually, we’d get close. The packed sand would soften until it collapsed. When our hands would touch, it was a moment of success, of connection, and, with some final cleaning out, the tunnel was ready for a tennis ball to roll through or wave to fill with water.

I still like digging tunnels, but my days of kneeling in sand are all but gone. Now I do it when sitting with others. I reach down and begin taking away the sand between us. I share what life has been like for me, the good and the bad, one handful at a time. Usually, the person I am with starts digging, too, and before long our hands meet at the middle. It takes willingness and effort to dig. It also takes a desire to reach far and dig deep so hands can meet. Then we realize, as if for the first time, that despite all our different life experiences, we have many things in common.

Just ask the two couples who’ve lost a child; listen when divorced souls share their experiences. Watch when a child finds another who knows exactly how he or she is feeling. It’s like watching hands meet. Contrary to what was written last week, about how each of us is unique, digging tunnels has shown me how alike we all are. In paradoxical glory, both brushstrokes are true.

Much of my early life was spent looking for, and accentuating, my uniqueness. Now, I’m more interested in what I have in common with others. There’s nothing like that moment when two lives share something important in common. It’s like the kingdom of God draws close. Don’t believe me? Next time you’re with someone, try digging a tunnel.