/The camper left the warmth and security of the campfire to walk down toward her tent. Holding her flashlight tight, she shone its light ahead, revealing the rocks, bushes, and trees, as well as a portion of the path. While trying to focus on what she could see, her mind wandered to what might be out there, on her right, left, or beyond the light ahead. Such thoughts almost caused her to turn around, but she focused on what was before her and successfully made it to her tent.
I wish I was as disciplined as she. I, too, have a tent, a place toward which I am headed, and have been given a flashlight to help me get there, but, too often, I try to see beyond the light I’ve been given and worry about what I cannot see. Even though I can see all manner of rocks, bushes and trees, as well as a portion of a path, I spend much of my time longing to see more than the light is revealing and worry about what might be on my left and right. It causes me to want to turn around, to quit the journey.
It is written that we should let God’s grace be sufficient. Another way to say that might be, let the light from the flashlight be enough for the journey. Use it to see your next step, but don’t worry about things you cannot see or control ahead. Whatever your tent may be - a job, a relationship, a life’s purpose, a spiritual destination – we’ve been given all the light we need to get there. By taking the next step, we move forward. The good news is that as we move forward, so does the light.