Inhabiting The Truth

How would our lives be different if we inhabited the truth? I don’t mean, what would it be like if we told the truth, although many of us would benefit from that as well, but rather what would it look like if we lived into the truth . . . about us?

In his amazing book entitled Tattoos on the Heart, a book describing his ministry among the gangs of Los Angeles, Gregory Boyle writes the following: “we seek to tell each person this truth: they are exactly what God had in mind when God made them – and then we watch, from a privileged place, as people inhabit this truth.”

What would it mean is someone whispered such a truth into our ears?

“You are exactly what God had in mind when God created you.”

I can only speak for myself, but living into that truth would be a challenge. So often, I inhabit other messages, none of which are true, but, to quote Julia Robert’s character in Pretty Woman, “sometimes they’re easier to believe.”

“It’s never too late to start your day over,” they say in recovery circles. Perhaps we could adapt that sage advice and say: “It’s never too late to inhabit the truth.”

I’m up for it, if you are.