Lenten Adventure


Dear Brushstrokes Subscribers,

On Wednesday, March 6th, the season of Lent begins. For churchy people, that’s a season to prepare for Easter. For others, it’s an opportunity to try something new. Either way, it’s an opportunity to grow spiritually, and I wanted to invite all the people who read Brushstrokes to come on a Lenten Adventure.

You are invited to observe Lent by coming on a walk. Actually, it’s more like a climb, but, either way, it’s a 47-day adventure (40 days + Sundays) from Ash Wednesday (3/6) to Easter (4/21). We will “walk” together as if climbing a mountain and use the climb as an allegory to journey deeper into our spiritual lives.

Each day, those who sign up will receive a short meditation which will explore some aspect of the spiritual climb. Participants can leave it at that, or they can explore the meditation further in a short written response. The adventure is theirs. How they climb is up to them.

This is something outside of Brushstrokes, so if you are interested, you will need to send me an email telling me you want to participate. I will then put you on the (private) list and you will receive an introductory email, then 47 daily ones beginning on Ash Wednesday

My email is: chipbristol@gmail.com. (I will close the invitation, or zip up my pack, so to speak, on Tuesday 3/5. It’s too cumbersome to try to catch people up once we’ve begun.)

Regardless of whether you choose to come along or not, I hope the season of Lent will be a meaningful one for you. 

- Chip

PS Feel free to send this invitation to those you think might be interested. I am happy to put them on the list if they email me.