Lenten Opportunity: Writing our way to Easter

This Lent, there will be a group who are going to use the season to reflect on their lives through 15 minutes of daily writing, based on provocative writing prompts. Each day, an email will be sent asking the recipient to reflect on a specific aspect of his/her life. (Example: Who made the greatest impression on your spiritual life as a child and how?) Through these brief reflections, we will look inside our lives in a unique way and uncover much that lies within.

Recipients are asked to respond to the prompts through 15 minutes of writing/reflection. (The writing is not shared. It’s just a way to increase the level of one’s reflection. Handwriting is preferred; typing better than nothing.)

If you would like to be a part of this creative Lenten exercise*, please send an email to me at chipbristol@gmail.com , and I will put you on the list. (Lent begins on Feb 10)


*This counts as taking something on for Lent (vs. giving something up). It will do more for you than giving up chocolate!