Magnifying the Lord

“My soul magnifies the Lord . . .” Mary’s song began and echoes across the centuries, still. From deep within, she uttered these words and, I’m sure, hummed the melody throughout her life, for in and through her entire life Mary sought to magnify the Lord. I wonder what the world, or our small part of it, would look like if we sought to magnify the Lord daily.

Do our homes magnify the Lord?

Do the words we use magnify the Lord?

Does our listening magnify the Lord?

Does the way we make a living magnify the Lord?

Does our giving magnify us or the Lord?

Does the way we spend our time magnify us or the Lord?

Does the way we respond to those in need magnify the Lord?

Do our political views and the way we vote magnify the Lord?

On my desk there’s a magnifying glass which I bought to remind me to look closely at the world around me, but today, in this season of Advent, its message is enhanced. It’s as convicting as it is inspirational, reminding me that my life should magnify the Lord. I suspect we all have a lot of work to do. 

How blessed are we to be given such an opportunity every day?