One Word
/Although I’ve always hated New Year’s Eve, I adore a new year. The chance to try again, to get a fresh start, excites me at my core and is probably why I love going to church. Most years, I sit down and create a list of goals, and, while my list is often too ambitious, at least it gets me looking forward. This year, however, my wellness coach* challenged me to put away my cumbersome list and come up with one word to guide me throughout the year. “One word!” I protested, but then got to work.
A single word can guide us in powerful ways like a star . If a person were to pick “joy,” for example, she might be drawn toward those people, places and things that bring her joy. She might also look for ways to bring joy to others, as well. Someone who picks “creative” might look for ways to explore new things or ask more questions this year. Rather than restricting my view of the year head, focusing on one word has widened my view and taken my heart to unexpected places.
After coming up with many words, I picked the word “inspire.” Given the year we’ve just been through and the way I feel about our country, in particular, I want a year in which I focus on those things that inspire me and cause me to dream and look beyond. I want the people I see, the books I read, and movies I watch to inspire me. I want the music I listen to to rev my engine and live a more inspirational life. Not only do I want it to be a year in which I am inspired, I want to do at least one thing that’s inspirational. For me, that means trying something that I am not sure I can do.
I have no idea how it will go, but I encourage you to come along. Find a word and let it guide what you think about, do, and say. My hunch is we will end up having a wonderful new year.
* Honor Jones Garrett is a gifted life/wellness coach if you want to begin working with someone who will draw out the very best from you.
my first action step was to put before me a picture that would inspire me daily. i can think of no better picture or story than the 1980 olympic hockey team.