Remembering Easter

It was the wedding of all weddings. At least to the bride and groom, that’s how it felt. Surrounded by their closest friends in a beautiful sacred space, the words, music, and vows seemed to take on enhanced meaning. As they drove away to begin their new life, the two hoped to remember their wedding day always.

Much to their delight, there were reminders of their wedding day often. Something would be said, a song would come on the radio, or they would run into someone who had been there. Each time they were reminded of their wedding. The reminders were whispers of the great day, God’s way of going “Psssst!” to awaken them from the daily slumber that besets us all.

A friend helped me see that Easter is much like such a wedding. Spectacular and moving, Easter is like no other day for Christians. It is the Sunday of Sundays, if you will.  It is the first Sunday, of which all the others are reminders. On those other Sundays, and the days in between, God sends reminders, goes “Pssssst!” to awaken us from the spiritual slumber that besets us all. Maybe its something said, a song, or an encounter with another, but the whispers surround us. They're not Easter, but fingers pointing to Easter, helping us remember the incredible day that offered us all new life.


If you are married, how much of your wedding day do you remember? Have you found life sending you whispers to recall the day, or is it a distant memory? 

If you’re a Christian, does Easter stand out for you as the great day of your faith? Do you remember it throughout the year, or do you fall spiritually asleep? Do you hear whispers in other services, on other days? How could you reclaim the day and carry it with you throughout the year?