
“Why on earth are we gathered here?” asked the disgruntled resident of the seaside community. “If you ask me this whole idea of putting rocks in front of the dunes is a foolish idea. After all, the ocean’s never come close to the houses before.”

There were others who shared his opinion, and the debate lasted throughout that meeting and many others. For some, the cost was more significant than the risk, but the prevailing opinion was that it was in the town’s best interest to fortify itself.

Each time the man most opposed to the idea encountered the town leader, he ridiculed him and pointed to the sea. “Look there! Maybe that wave will reach the rocks.”

It didn’t.

Nor did any wave in their lifetime.

The rocks were eventually covered with sand, and most residents forgot, or never knew, they were there until a hurricane named “Sandy” arrived sixty-five years later. With winds and seas beyond anyone’s memory, Sandy destroyed countless homes and businesses. When the hurricane passed, the majority of that seaside town remained, but towns to the North and South suffered far greater damage.

As residents surveyed the damage, they saw huge rocks uncovered in front of the dunes. “Where did those come from?” one woman asked.

It wasn’t until recently that we learned the story of the rocks. I hope my grandfather knows that, in the end, he was right.