Spinning Tires

It had been an unusually big snowfall and even experienced drivers were struggling to make their way on the roads. I enjoy the challenge of driving in snow, but watching those less comfortable always reminds me how much I learned driving in New England as a young driver. Watching their tires spin as they gun their engines as the light turns green reminds me of one of the essential truths of driving in snow: start slowly. Tires need a chance to get traction so the car can build momentum. If the tires start to spin you should remove your foot from the gas petal, not push it closer to the floor.

As I sit at the dawn of a new year, waiting for the light to turn green, so to speak, I need to remember the same is true for new year’s resolutions and any efforts of self-improvement. So often, I make a long list of goals and then start the year by gunning my engines. I appreciate my desire to grow and live differently, but my tires always end up spinning and my car ends up in the ditch before February. If I want to read more, I need to set aside time to do so without expecting to read 100 pages on January 1st. If I want to get in shape, I need to slowly change my diet and exercise regularly rather than become a vegan overnight and take up residence at the gym.

Like driving in snow, I need to begin the new year slowly, gently putting my foot on the gas. I need to get some traction so I can move forward in a new way. If I begin to spin, I need to pull back my efforts so my tires can find something to hold onto rather than doubling down and flooring it. 2019 has 365 days in it. There’s time to make it to where I want to go, but it’s best to use all the days rather than the first three to get there.