Squeaky Doors
/There once was a man who had a squeaky door. He went to the hardware store, bought some WD 40, and placed it in his toolbox when he returned from the store. Much to his dismay, the door continued to squeak.
As absurd as such a story is, it points to a truth I would do well to remember on the first of the year. This is a time of year when I look forward and think about the year to come. I make goals and/or resolutions to address the squeaky doors of my life. Whether it’s to lose weight, deepen my spiritual life, improve a relationship, or learn something new, too often I am like the man in the story. I go buy a gym membership and a new exercise bag instead of going outside for a run. I go buy a new Bible rather than read one of the seven I own. I buy a book on parenting instead of inviting my child to go on a walk.
All of us have toolboxes full of everything we need to have an amazing new year. We don’t need to go buy anything. We simply need to reach within and use the tools we already have, read the books we already own, and embrace the people who are sitting right beside us. Suddenly doors stop squeaking!