
The first time I saw the scene, it spoke to a place deep within me. By the end of the movie, I knew I’d remember it forever.

The scene was from the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, where Randle McMurphy, played by Jack Nicholson, is trapped in a mental hospital and determined to escape. He goes into the bathroom, with the other patients following close behind eager to see, in their own confused way, what he was up to. McMurphy stands before a large pedestal sink, bends his knees, and tries to lift it from its foundation. His plan is to lift the sink and throw it through the window and escape. He makes many attempts to free the sink, but it’s too much for him to do by himself. Those looking on snicker at his efforts. They think he’s really crazy. Exhausted, McMurphy walks past the others and says, “Well, I tried, didn’t I? . . . at least I did that.”

McMurphy was crazy to think he could escape. Thinking he could lift something so large and heavy was nuts. His desire to be free was commendable, even inspirational, but he didn’t think things through. Maybe it was arrogance that made him think he could do such a thing. Maybe, together, they could have lifted the sink, but, alone, it was silly, even foolish. Frustrated by the onlookers who stood  whispering and snickering, the moment divided him from the others instead of uniting. In the end, he walked away, and they were all still held captive.

At least he tried.

The Sanctuary (Creative Center) December 1, 2005 - August 1, 2017

The Sanctuary (Creative Center) December 1, 2005 - August 1, 2017