Enjoy The Ride
/The invitation came out of nowhere, and was completely undeserved. A friend called to see if I would like to join him on his private plane to fly and play one of North Carolina’s premier golf courses. “Hell yes!” was all I could come up with, and it led to a day beyond my wildest dreams.
Arriving ten minutes before departing was gift enough, but not standing in security lines, nor waiting for my group number to board, made it a dream come true. The shuttle from the golf club waiting on the tarmac made me shake my head in disbelief. I had long hoped to play this particular course, and, despite my inability to set the course record, I felt like a pro. On the return flight, as my companions celebrated the day with cocktails, I looked out the window and tried to make sense of all that just happened.
I am better at giving than receiving. I am sure much of that is due to control issues as much as a generous spirit, but I also get uncomfortable when I'm in someone’s debt. I always look for a way to make things “even,” but, on this particular day, even was impossible. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the ride.
I wonder if such a feeling is what people mean when they speak of God’s grace. Being loved despite all we've done and left undone, despite the ways we miss the mark, is a gift we don’t deserve, and can often feel comes out of nowhere. Like the day I was given, the feelings of gratitude for a gift beyond our wildest dreams are overwhelming, and there’s simply no way to pay God back or make things even. I suppose the best way to show our gratitude is to just close our eyes, take a deep breath, and enjoy the ride.