Something new.

“You have a new look,” the woman said, trying unsuccessfully to hide her disdain. It wasn’t my buttoned-down shirt, khakis, or shoes to which she was referring, but my necklace. Around my neck was a rope with a ring of wood at the bottom. Made by our son while camping in the wilderness of Utah, it connects me to him, and reminds me of the new life we are committed to finding.

The woman was right, such a necklace is new for me, but when I remember it’s around my neck, when my hand brushes up against the ring, I’m reminded of its purpose, the one who made it, and fully embrace the change.

Have you ever cared more about remembering something than staying the same?

Have you ever cared more about a relationship than your appearance?

Have you ever done anything new . . .  this week, this month, in the last year?

The Creativity Center was created to help people live more deliberate lives. Regardless of what led to their arrival, it was our hope that their entrance into our space would inspire them to try something new. Building on their strengths and accepting their weaknesses, it was our hope that people would grow, discover, and live life in new ways.

Such change is as scary as it is exciting. God created us unique. How dare we dilute our creation with uniformity? How dare we let our fears and insecurities distract us from living our unique lives to the fullest? How dare we let people make us second-guess something new? To accept, celebrate and explore our uniqueness is really what life is meant to be. Every day should be a journey into the new.

Such a view is not unique to people at The Creative Center, but we are blessed as believers in a Higher Power whose nature is creation to co-create on a daily basis. Whether by picking up a paintbrush, writing a story or poem, or meeting in a group to discuss life on a very real level, it’s all about trying something new. It’s all about caring more about faith than fear, health than pain, and new life than old routines.

Go ahead!

I dare you.

Make someone wonder what’s happened to you.